Fumado Mobile App


Fumado Brazilian Steakhouse is a fictional national Brazilian steakhouse located in the United States. Fumado strives to deliver healthy, specialty pizzas and side dishes. They offer a wide spectrum of competitive pricing. Fumado targets customers like commuters and workers who lack the time or ability to prepare a family dinner. Below is the UI design and UX research work that I did.

  • Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

  • Users lack the time and resources necessary to prepare a meal so they rely on mobile order apps to save them time. most mobile order apps lack customization options for a meal order, and pick up notifications are often times missing from the final design.

  • Fumado is a mobile ordering app that allows users the ability to save time on their order and give multiple options for customization to meet the users specific requests.

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Research Goals

Upon receiving the prompt, I was cognizant of the complexities. Therefore, I deconstructed the prompt into subproblems, which I tackled by using research goals.

  • The who, what, where, and why affected by long restaurant lines.

  • What tools and methods are used to succeed in restaurant order flow?

  • What are some of the hesitancies behind mobile order functions?

  • How does mobile food orders help an individual and a restaurant?

Problem Statements

I put together some basic problem statements to better understand the pain points with the purchasing/renewal process.


Mindy is a Academic counselor at a university who needs to find a local restaurant that can provide quick and easy service through a mobile app due to a lack of time during the day to prepare one.


Jim is a single parent with two boys who needs to find a local restaurant that can provide quick service but also offer rewards for promos and discounts because he is on a budget.



Remove extra time, work through saved selections and location preferences.

  • Add in location function to give user options for mobile orders to be either: dropped off at customer location, or picked up at store location.

  • Allow the user to see when the order is being made and notified when the order is ready.

Add more customization for the user throughout the order process.

  • In most cases, the mobile order function does not give a user the ability to customize the order for food allergies, removing a side meal, etc.

  • Add in filter options for additional ordering options based on; popular items, healthy items, and pricing.

  • Allow the mobile app to offer the option of a multilingual function.

Initial Ideation

Usability Study

Research Questions

How long does it take for a person to order a food item through the app?

What can we learn from the user flow, or the steps that users take when navigating through the app?


5 Participants

Two males and two females and one non-binary individual between the ages of 25 to 75.


10 minutes per participant.

Test conducted in the United States, remote.

Users were asked to perform tasks in a low-fidelity prototype.

Digital Wireframes

Link to low-fidelity prototype:

Low-Fidelity Prototype (Fumado)


It was observed that 3 out of the 5 participants mentioned wanting custom order options to be added to the app and wanted more information regarding the benefits of becoming a member before signing up through the app.

Full themes observed from the study

Below are some notable comments from the participants:

I was overwhelmed by the number of choices on the sheet. When I finally got to the page I felt like I was being tracked and my privacy was compromised.

— Participant A

The checkout was easy to follow, but I wish there were more options for my order option.

— Participant B

No problems in finding the profile page. Wish there were more specifics in the sign-up process so I knew what was coming my way as a member.

— Participant C

Affinity Map

Below is an affinity map that I collected from the Usability Study to help gather qualitative information about the users and group their experience by category.

Recommended Updates

  • Make it possible for users to include a customized order option so they can mention any food allergies or food additions/subtractions.

  • Include a detailed confirmation receipt to the customer before they place the order

  • Display incentives to customers on profile page for rewards sign up.

Final Deliverable

Brand Color Scheme

Creating a brand color scheme is about selecting an appropriate set of colors that match the brands mission and the subconscious energy the color gives off to the user. In the case of UI design, the use of the brands colors is just as important. Contrast, balance, and color harmony matter in visual design. In this case, I wanted to find ways to use a monochromatic color scheme of orange to evoke excitement and warmth to match best practices of UI.

Want to see my full study into the Fumado Mobile App?
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Tailored by Taylor


ParkSpot UI/UX