Pearl Gowns


Pearl Gowns is a small boutique business located in Creswell, OR. Pearl Gowns’ mission is to provide elegant/custom dresses - without stretching the wallet. The start-up company approached me to help design their logo ‘from scratch’.

  • Design logo options, create a presentation; and make a brand guideline for the client.

  • Design a brand style that appealed to a demographic of young women (age 12-24)-while blending nostalgia with the modern.

  • Create an experience for the customer to feel as though they are purchasing an expensive dress for half the cost.


Early Drafts

During this phase, I am slowly weeding through ideas to best fit the client’s needs by combining research from other competitors and collecting brand strategies from similar successful businesses.

Brand Color Scheme

Referring back to color psychology, I chose this color palette for a reason. With Pearl Gowns wanting to market to a demographic of young women, I wanted to make sure the color scheme reflected that. The primary color I chose was neutral pink, followed by secondary colors of salmon and rose pink. These colors speak subconsciously to the audience as a non-threatening, innocent, hopeful, and optimistic brand.


My research and concept creation led me down a path to the final decision of using a wordmark for the logo. By using a text-only typographic treatment of the business name to make it identifiable as the brand identity or logo, aided the company in being identified as a high-end service and quality that presented trust to a customer. The wordmark also ties into the theme of taking from history and tying to modern day by paying homage to Art Deco style of typography and design.

Example photography

Example photography




Lovesome UI/UX


Student Activities